Wow, would never have thought this would get up to 2000 views in just a few months. Hopefully this is getting new people interested in both ECW and 40mm. My thanks to Tidders "For Ye King" and Bluebear Jeff for their encouragement and support.
Been a very busy few months. In October I had significant (good) career developments, followed by a very busy holiday season, and then winter has been a zoo with the weather. School cancellations right and left, lost hours of work and personal time, and a bunch of time spent playing and deciding about some dark ages rules (going with SAGA these days) which has resulted in me finally getting back to my craft table. Probably half the paint is dried out by now...
But the other day, I had some inspiration for the quick-play ECW rules I'm working on. They'll be at 1:10 and to scale on the table (altho not in scale with the figs themselves) so 1"=4 yards for now. This makes effective shotte range about 12" and long range 24", which seem like a good size for small ECW battles. Tidders is my inspiration here, as for some time I will be building up several small regiments to get into the table. Considering a simple chipping system and an integrated turn sequence for both players, with diced movement. Hope to get a draft that is worth playtesting sometime soon. While I want it to play fast and fun, I want it to be very tactical and also represent real decisions that commanders would have faced in the period.
Also, the last of the 25mm ECW finally sold! Took a lot longer than I thought despite it being such a good deal - 50% off or something, better than the Old Glory Army discount. I am now officially "Only 40mm" for ECW. Once it was rolling, even the painted figures weren't too painful to package up.
The net effect is that I'm even more clear-minded about proceeding in 40mm. I think the most important thing right now is to paint up some figures. Consider how colorless the fellows below look - they remind me of my poor little bare men!

"We march, we march, to bring vengeance upon those who fail to paint us!"