As the Neil Thomas One Hour Wargames rules have had quite an effect on my personal gaming, I will most likely next get some scenics in the 40mm range so that I can fight the little battles he puts forward. Two bridges, some buildings and some fortifications will all be needed. I already have a variety of trees and some other terrain that can scale up from 25mm. Even unpainted, I can temporarily base the figures and play around with them. Developing rules I like will also help me decide how to finish basing them.
So most likely posts this fall will be:
- Neil Thomas Pike'n Shot rules experiments,
- Assembly of final 20-30 figs,
- Terrain acquisition and assembly as needed.
Hope you are enjoying the previous posts and do return this fall to see how things develop. Until then, keep your match burning and your pikes leveled!
"Forward, forward, have at them!" Royalist cavalry at the battle of Edgehill.