Obvious battlefield. French have artillery on Hill and two infantry in front. Two skirmishers in the woods, and two more infantry on the other side holding the Town.
This looks pretty tough for only 6 Stinking English, but they have help from the Scots! Three Line Infantry to left in series of lines. Howitzers to rear with two Scots in front.
Rules are OHW with minimum clarifications [click] but using the 3-dice system, hitting on a 4+ typically, a 5+ if a long-range or difficult or partial shot, and a 3+ for cannister / close range. Nothing else added except that Units can move and shoot - have to work with the Marshal's patience level!
I think the colored daguerrotype below came out rather well - shall send to Mummy.
Turn 1. General advance with shooting around the line - lots of misses, so clearly there was some early morning fog obscuring the lines, worsened by the gunsmoke. Frogs refuse to surrender - in fact, they sneer, make rude gestures and use naughty words! Riff-raff!
Turn 2. Advance continues into short range. Casualties start to mount, including the skirmishers on the left side of the woods fall to the well-disciplined volleys of the Scots at close range. The cannon boom through the formations, shells whizz overhead!
Turn 3. The French Infantry line breaks! Despite heavy casualties, the forward English lines hold, showing the stern stuff our boys are made of - huzzah!
Turn 4. Gunsmoke fills the field, the air is heavy and oppressive. The Line advance against the guns on the hill, casualties are mounting. The Scots hammer home another volley and the lights in the woods flee from their skulking dells and barrows.
Turn 5. The French near the Town are re-positioning to contest the English advance. Two proud line battalions, veterans of numerous campaigns against Austria, Russia, and Shleswig-Holstein [well, that was a very short campaign, really]. For Joseph Boney-parts! they shout, the Scots hearing them distinctly across the fields.
Turn 6. With tremendous discipline born of complete confidence in their officers, the British advance, led by the Scots who deliver a devestating volley against the first French regiment. Blue coats drop like flies, "sacre-bleu" they cry, "these skirts are terrifying!"
Turn 7. The English line advance across the Hill objective they've secured. One objective is NOT enough! cries Marshal Winkie, "I want them all for England and St. George!" "Bother St. George" cry the Scots, we'll take the Town for St. Andrew and wine stores!
Turn 7. French deliver withering volleys upon hearing the Scottish intent to deprive them of their vintage comfort. Plaid flies in all directions as the Scots advance to the rear. The second Scot battalion positions itself to cover the advance, firing volleys into the underbrush where French skirmishers lurk. Will they be able to support the line?
Turn 8. Scots continue to move up. English re-form the line, and deliver precise, orderly volleys, driving the French from the field, threats to wine or no. Only the skirmishers stand in the way of total victory! Meanwhile, the howitzers have been badly handled, receiving confusing orders and dashing to and fro with little firing.
Turn 9. The skirmishers have fled into the town, and from there, snipe at the near English battalion, causing it "to think again". Scots advance, bent on revenge - and wine.
Turn 10. Seeing the array headed to them with bloody intent, the skirmishers flee at the first volley. They grab a bottle apiece as they dash off, driving their supply horses ahead of them so they can have a bit of meat tonight with their wine and cheese.
Well, that was a good bit of fun. I gave M. Winkie the choice of advancing against the town or the hill, and he chose the hill. The attacker has depth in the Horse and Musket period, despite skirmishers being available to the defense. Without them, I think it would have been a rollover. Also, more skirmishers would have made this very difficult.
One-Hour Wargames continues to satisfy, even using bare-bones rules. The best $12 I ever spent! Marshal Winkie had fun, too.