and I will give you rest." Matthew 12:28
**EDITS & Update 06/15/18**
Very pleased with recent sale of all my WSS [War of Spanish Succession] plastics by Wargames Factory [now Warlord] and a couple of decisions that drastically reduce some projects [e.g. ALL Warhammer Fantasy GOES except for characters and a few minions for skirmish wargaming] altho I decided to follow thru on 1/3000 naval in small projects. This will still result in net financial profit as naval projects are smaller, cheaper, and require less time all around.
**EDITS AND UPDATE 04/13/18**
This post reflects a bunch of items that have sold, including almost all the Urban War stuff which went for good prices - about $1.50 a fig average - granted, this included a variety of large and small figs. There is now zero left except for a small Syntha gang that will probably make an appearance fighting bladerunners...
Items that are FADED are gone!
So far $600 in sales in the works, and paypal to bank transfers are up to $500+ [gotta leave some money in paypal for postage and fees]. As I'm not spending any new money on any game projects, this will all go to bills and such.
Still seriously considering totally getting out of GW now that my black library paperbacks are sold. It's amazing how silly most of it looks when you take a step back - even the vanilla Space Marines from AoBR - especially considering all the more realistic 28mm figs for near-future sci-fi. I'll hang on to the Necrons, they may end up as Terminator Endoskeletons.
This is what my old crime unit sergeant used to call that "moment of truth" for perps we were after, where something had to give - and it was going to be them. Quick Google search says something like:
The phrase is based on your choice at the moment you decide to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It also has a secular meaning: a "come to Jesus moment" refers to a dawning, epiphany or agreement following a disagreement.
So yes, this is an "additional dawning" following choices previously put forward here on this blog [click] to be both better focused and to avoid fruitless spending of time, money and energy.
- 31 [!] gaming projects – a few too many but nice reduction from 40+!!!!
- Drop some unique projects, emphasize cross-over [e.g. the figures/basing can be used in multiple sets of rules that I am playing or may play, or the Terrain can be used in multiple scales and periods].
- Drop: dead-end projects and those without plans for the next year or so, and larger scales for smaller, cheaper, portable scales in future [e.g. 28mm sci-fi for 15mm sci-fi].
- Fast-play: Easy sharing / hosting, smaller space, simpler, look good, newbies
- Skirmish / small Units [FUBAR, WAI Skirmish] 40mm & 54mm Colonial Plastics.
- Space Fleets: WoC Star Wars plastic
- Skirmish:
- WoC Star Wars plastics [FUBAR?],
- 54mm Colonial Plastic skirmish
- Naval:
- WWII [1/2400 USN v. IJN],
- Pre-dreadnought [1/3000 Mediterranean Squadrons],
- Age of Sail [1/3000 Trafalgar era by Forged in Battle]
- WWII 15mm land - Brits v. Italians, N. Africa
- Medievals 25-28mm: Dark Ages --> Feudal Wales [Saxons, Vikings, Normans, LotR].
- Modern micro-armor: Syrian 2020
Below is the 38 projects remaining, some of which are already on line for sale [italics]
TO SELL, TRADE [down to 2]
- Urban War [GONE!]
- War of Spanish Succession 28mm plastics [only books left]
- 28mm Modern Afghanistan Brits [TAG] v. Taliban [Empress]
- Star Wars scale ships Odyssey Slipways [TRADE]
- Warhammer Black Library books, White Dwarf
- Super-old 20mm Frying Pan and Blanket figs.
- Warhammer Fantasy [Sell all but Skirmish]
- --Chaos Dwarfs,
- --Empire
- --Greenskins - [all Orcs sold!]
- --Chaos
- --Brettonians / Lizardmen -
- 28mm Sci-Fi: terrain, objects vehicles, Warhammer 40K
- --Space Marines [sell all?]
- --Necrons --> Terminator Project instead?
- Board games: Squad Leader [sell all], Cry Havoc!
- Ral Partha in tub, Thunder Mountain Arthurians
- Age of Sail 1/600 [test interest w' WS&IM counters]
- WWII 1:700 models
TO KEEP – for now [6]
- 1/2400 WWI Naval & Dreadnoughts
- 40mm Dark Ages
- 25mm War of Roses / 100YW project
- 25mm Chariot Biblical Wars [some sold]
- 25mm Pershing / Pancho
- 28mm Heroic - Space Hulk [Catachens, Steel Legion, Necrons, Bladerunner Gangs]
TO KEEP [17]
- 6mm ACW
- 1/285 Modern Micro-Armor
- 15mm WWII
- --Italians: desert and continental,
- --British desert,
- --USA: generic [Tunisia, LW]
- --Germans: LW/generic, Tunisia/desert
- 15mm French Foreign Legion & Arabs
- 15mm Greeks
- 15mm+ Testudo Romans & Gauls
- 25mm Dark Ages, Feudals, Late Romans / Byzantines / LotR
- 28mm WoC Star Wars plastic figs
- 40mm Pike and Shot
- 54mm Armies in Plastic Colonial Skirmish
- 1/2400 WWII Naval [and a little 1/700, too]
- 1/3000 Pre-dread Naval mini project, Age of Sail Trafalgar
- 1/5000 [?] WoC Star Wars plastic ships