How Men of Quality Resolve Differences

How Men of Quality Resolve Differences
Pudel and Peper attacks - an ugly but inevitable part of any 17th C. British Civil War, "Oh! The Shame of it All!"

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ta-DAAAAAA!  The Sash & Saber "40 ECW 204" bag contents revealed in detail!  Special thanks to yarr68 at TMP for the advice to use Google Chrome to work on the blog instead of Internet Explorer (obviously a Google conspiracy at work here...).

In the bag you get 2...horses [walking, standing] 2 bodies [not attached - they are demonstrating my choices of body+horses], 4 heads [bare, helmet, and 2 broad-brim hats [1 lots facial hair and 1 less facial hair], 5 arms [baton, sword waving, sword pointing, finger pointing, waving hat] and 4 holstered pistols that attach to the knee of the figure with a peg [you can only not use by filling in the hole].

The two figs are $17.  The selection of bits is great and they fit together quite easily with minimal fitting.  Only slightly more work than assembling a cannon or knight with shield and spear.  Flash and mold lines are average amount for an Old Glory figure [ so more than perhaps a premium casting] but clean up much more easily since the figure is so much larger the files and such spare the detail.  My one irritation is that the bodies don't fit well to the horse - the tails of their coats and one's sash ends are in the way of the raised saddle back.  They both required some fitting, but one needed a lot of work to get him to settle properly.  I'm OK with that for a general figure, but not thrilled.  
I give them a 9 for sculpting, price, options, assembly, but -2 for the bodies not fitting the horses which I consider to be an avoidable sculpting error.


  1. Might I suggest that you do what I did yesterday.

    I went to a local store and purchased one of those plastic "parts boxes". You know, the ones with a dozen or more compartments inside. And last night I started cutting out the "bits" for my ECW figures and storing them by type in my new ECW "bits box".

    If you start this now, the currently unused bits will not get lost but will be available for future figures.

    -- Jeff

  2. organization is key - there's plenty of extras for most of the figures offered, especially heads. I haven't gotten to posting them yet [taking a methodical approach] but first glance thru the bags reveals that there are BOTH sword hands and sword handles for when cavalry wield pistol, for instance. Some of the parts are tiny.

    If you're doing 28mm plastics, then you'll have plenty of bits and they're even tinier!

    I may have some info on the regiment colors you ask for - I'll try and look it all up tonight.


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