...and both activation sequences end. All units count as not yet activated, all Hold cards are discarded and new one's are drawn resulting in four black and two red. To me, this means that Hancock has gathered up his staff and is making a plan, while Hood is losing some control of the battle and his units.
Big question...Will Hooker get a second chance and redeem the Rebel assault attempt? Let's find out!
First card draw is a black queen, allowing the Union to activate both of the units embroiled in combat upon the objective, an infantry and a field gun. They roll some hits and Hood's supporting infantry save some but must check morale - they get a carry on Disordered results. The other unit attacking the redoubt takes two casualties from the gun and checks morale, resulting in a Fall Back of 5".
Overview of the area doesn't look good for the Rebs. They have three battered units facing two Union that are in good terrain and virtually unscathed.
Next card is a black number, so Union activates their last unit, the much-neglected reinforcing Unit, which fires to no effect. This ends the Union activation sequence, so they can activate anyone they want upon their next card.
And it is a black ace, so the Union re-activates the infantry at close range to Fire for 2 Hits, but both are saved.
Finally, a red card is drawn, it is a face card and Hood can now activate all of his units. The two infantry on the left both fire, one missing and the other getting one unsaved hit, the first on the Union infantry at the breastwork. The two infantry that assaulted the redoubt are both disordered - the nearer from a failed morale and Fall Back of 5", the other from a failed morale and FB of 8". Hood reorganizes both.
Next, a black ace is drawn, so the Union shoot again getting one unsaved casualty on the Rebels.
Next, a red card draw allows Hood to make a desperate attack on the redoubt, but the dice again fail them - they drop 5 dice v. 3 for the Union but get no hits! The Union also misses but they are sitting on the objective already so a tie is just fine with them. Both Units are Disordered, but I again failed to mark the gunners as such, while I angle the Reb figs a bit to make them look "disorderly" so to speak.
Black card draw and the gun fires for one unsaved hit but the fierce Rebs Carry On just underneath the gun's muzzle!
Another black draw and a saved Hit from infantry fire.
A third black card, and the reinforcing Union unit fires upon their opponents, who save all but one hit.
Finally, a red card! I want a support unit for the charge, so I activate the infantry at the breastworks, fire them to no effect, then move them within 3" of the unit by the redoubt.
Another number card and I fire the last Reb unit, getting one unsaved hit [2 more and they'll have to check morale].
The Rebel Activation Cycle has ended, and the next card draw is red so the Rebs charge in but are devastated by the gun's fire off their Hold card, and Run Away from the gun with only two survivors. At this point, I call the game for the Union.
This was an exciting game. To summarize it in real life terms, the mechanics played out thusly:
Hood plans a dawn surprise attack upon an exposed Union gun emplacement - there are several Union units camped nearby that are fatigued from a long march and not ready for combat. Hood plans carefully and his initial assault is perfectly timed and takes few casualties, but are unable to break into the redoubt and fall back.
This loses the initiative for Hood, and awakens some Union infantry. The supporting Rebel infantry engage and keep these units busy while another, more desperate, assault is made. Unfortunately, this also is thrown back, and as casualties mount upon all the Units near the objective, Hood withdraws from the field with substantial losses.
Some tactical choices I'd make this time around...
1) I'd pull all the Rebel infantry a bit to the right, so that three units could assault the redoubt, and get one completely on the flank of the redoubt itself.
2) I'd commit Hood himself to the attack on the redoubt.
3) I'd prioritize Hancock and the reinforcing Union infantry to get into the battle quicker.
If I had done 1 & 2, the Rebels would have won the initial attack on the redoubt, and probably have won the game.
Only rules change I need has to do with AIP units being packaged in groups of 5-10. With Units of this size, casualty draws at 30% and 50% instead of 33% and 50% for 6/12 fig units.
Rules questions from the "A Gentleman's War" Fb page resulted in the following answers:
1) Measure range by figure
2) If both sides choose to Hold Position on a tie, "the fight will continue on the next card designated for either unit involved. This will occur after the end of the cycle for at least one of those sides (since both [units] have now acted) BUT (immediate rules revision) the usual rule that the end of the cycle removes disorder markers shouldn’t apply, since the unit has had no time to reform.
Both sides are effectively locked in melee. The [unit] that is [next given a card] counts as the attacker, if it makes a difference (gallant? Stalwart?)."
[EDIT] probably new direction here from the Fb commentary would be to not holdover melee but rather discard ties altogether - Attacker loses a tie. Will have to try this.
Probably biggest rule error I made was the above, and especially that at the end of their cycle Units automatically lose Disorder.
Final verdict: BUY THESE RULES!
For all its pretense at being a light-hearted set of brigade-level rules for Europe circa 1850-1910, this set is actually of moderate complexity and realism with enough granularity to satisfy most wargamers. It can easily morphed into earlier periods and distant locales.
It feels a lot like a platoon or company level game and it's nearest relative is probably "The Sword and the Flame" by the late-great Larry Brom. It is however, much cleaner, easier and smoother than the RAW fully updated anniversary release of TSATF and therefore, with all respect to Mr. Brom, I would also say these rules are the clear heir to TSATF throne in the 21st C.
Personally, I am considering using it for War of 1812 and early WWI, as well as Franco-Prussian War and American Civil War. I think it should be a go-to set for any wargamer with a variety of period interests.